Saturday, January 30, 2010

Baby Blankets for Haiti

We are really pleased to announce 15 double sided receiving blankets created by Forever Blankets and Bears ( are on their way to Haiti for relief. They are being transported by the Compassionate Resource Centre here in Victoria, BC and will go out the first week of February. Please visit their website and help if you can. They are amazing people who do such good work.

The Compassionate Resource Warehouse is a lot of things to a lot of people. First, it's a gathering in place, where everything from medicines to school supplies, clothing to household goods, personal hygiene items to dry food stuffs is collected, packed into huge eight by eight by 40-foot containers and then shipped to peoples and nations in need around the world.
It is a place of community, where volunteers assemble to work side by side with a common goal: to give of themselves in order to better the lot of people in need often half a world away.

To find out how you can help, call (250) 381-GIVE, or Email: Website: